No matter what type of industry you're in:
This advanced Diesel Fuel means business
You rely on your equipment to perform day in and day out, particularly during your peak seasons. Esso Diesel Efficient™ fuel is engineered to help deliver optimal engine performance, improve productivity and enhance efficiency.

Injector Spray Pattern
(illustration purposes only)
It Starts with Fuel Injection
Optimizing fuel injector performance is key to maximizing your equipment uptime. Most diesel engines have a high pressure injector system that is designed to deliver precise quantities of fuel into the chamber, at 2-3 injections per second. This process is key to ensure maximum combustion within the chamber. A better combustion takes stress off of your aftertreatment systems, which in turn can enhance your efficiency and help reduce emissions.

See the Benefits of ESSO Diesel Efficient™
10-2-4 Ranch
EXCEL Transportation

Excel Transportation
10-2-4 Ranch has a wide variety of diesel vehicles and had the opportunity to trial Esso/Mobil Diesel Efficient. Find out what they discovered.
Fuel efficiency and overall maintenance - see how one fleet saw a 4.8% improvement from choosing ESSO Diesel Efficient
DMM Energy
As a fuel company dedicated on providing the highest level of service possible, DMM Energy trusts Esso Diesel Efficient to get the job done. Our Esso Diesel Efficient fuel has become a game-changer, which is formulated to improve engine performance, reduce downtime, and extend engine life by keeping engine components clean and running smoothly.
Esso Diesel Efficient™ Benefits






Aftertreatment Reduces Pollutants
Aftertreatment system requirements change based on the model year of your equipment. Poor injector performance can lead to performance issues, including deposit build-up, increased maintenance costs and downtime. Our high quality Esso Diesel Efficient™ fuel can help mitigate these challenges by reducing deposit build up in the injectors.
The Benefit of High Quality Fuel
Choosing Esso Diesel Efficient™ fuel can help alleviate issues associated with injector performance. Injector performance is critical to the performance of your equipment, and can contribute to an increase in efficiency and decreased emissions.
*Applies to Diesel Efficient-branded fuel compared to diesel fuel without detergent additive. Actual benefits and fuel economy will vary depending on factors such as vehicle/engine type, engine conditions, driving style and diesel fuel previously used.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Esso Diesel Efficient™ fuel?
Esso Diesel Efficient™ fuel is a diesel fuel that is specially engineered to help improve fuel economy and boost engine performance by cleaning up injector deposits. This new fuel also helps improve power, increase engine responsiveness and reduce emissions. Esso Diesel Efficient™ fuel can also help eliminate internal injector sticking which can contribute to premature injector failure. Further, Esso Diesel Efficient fuel offers excellent fuel system corrosion protection. Finally, Esso Diesel Efficient™ fuel can help prevent premature fuel filter plugging. Esso Diesel Efficient fuel has been real world tested. A fleet average fuel economy benefit of 2%* has been demonstrated in testing with Esso Diesel Efficient™ fuel at independent test labs following scientifically designed protocols.
What types of applications and engines would benefit from using Esso Diesel Efficient™ fuel?
Esso Diesel Efficient™ fuel is designed to provide benefits in all types of applications with light, medium and heavy duty diesel engines from different manufacturers, including but not necessarily limited to light duty passenger cars and trucks, on-highway heavy duty trucks and off-road construction and mining equipment.
Why would I need to use an advanced diesel fuel such as Esso Diesel Efficient™ fuel today?
Modern diesel engines have very sophisticated fuel systems engineered to meet today’s stringent diesel engine emissions requirements. Deposits on the injector needle guide, which has only 2-3 microns tolerance, can jam the needle movement and cause early failure of the injectors. Deposits which build up inside the injector nozzle can restrict fuel flow, deteriorate the fuel spray quality and result in loss of engine power, increased emissions and reduced fuel economy. Esso Diesel Efficient™ fuel helps prevent deposit formation and cleans up the existing deposits that may be negatively affecting your engine performance. *Applies to Esso Diesel Efficient-branded fuel compared to diesel fuel without detergent additive. Actual benefits will vary depending on factors such as vehicle/engine type, engine condition, driving style and diesel fuel previously used.
How is Esso Diesel Efficient™ fuel different from other fuels?
Esso Diesel Efficient™ fuel is treated with a patented additive package that is specially designed to clean up both internal injector deposits and nozzle deposits. Research demonstrates that Esso Diesel Efficient™ fuel can help improve the performance of your diesel engine.
What kind of independent testing was done to support your claims?
Fleet demonstrations have been carried out at independent testing facilities. The test protocols used were scientifically designed to tightly control important factors such as vehicle load, driving styles, ambient conditions, and test equipment. This robust approach to testing helps ensure that the observed differences are from Esso Diesel Efficient™ fuel and not from other factors. The result of this controlled testing was a 2% fleet average fuel economy improvement.*
How does Esso Diesel Efficient fuel compare to “off-the-shelf additive in a bottle”?
Intensive research and product development has been done to ensure that Esso Diesel Efficient™ fuel is not only effective, but will also cause no harm to your engine. Another advantage of Esso Diesel Efficient™ fuel is that the additive treat rate is optimized to yield the desired engine performance. Since the formulation is homogenized at the terminal, no additional mixing is required upon receipt.
Will Esso Diesel Efficient™ fuel accelerate the ash loading of the diesel particulate filter?
Esso Diesel Efficient™ fuel contains ashless detergent technology and therefore should not contribute to the ash loading of the diesel particulate filter. Esso Diesel Efficient™ fuel can clean up injector deposits to promote better spray quality and better fuel/air mixing. In theory it should reduce engine particulate matter emissions and soot loading in the DPF, (no direct testing has been carried out to demonstrate this.)
Will I still benefit from Esso Diesel Efficient™ fuel even if I have a new, clean fuel system?
Yes, one of the best ways to prevent deposits from forming in a new, clean fuel system is to use Esso Diesel Efficient™ fuel. The “keep clean” technology manages deposit precursors and helps prevent them from attaching to either internal or external injectors surfaces.